• We are a company with 11 years in the market for wooden pallets and packaging.
  • We manufacture and sanitize wooden pallets and packaging to supply the national market as well as for export.
  • We have authorization from the Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources under trademark number 1610 for the use of pallets and packaging used in international trade.
  • We have the capacity and sanitation equipment necessary to produce up to 600,000 pallets per year.
  • We manufacture any type of platform at the customer’s request and according to their specifications.
  • We offer design service analyzing the required load capacity and the use that will be given to it.

Our Mission

Grow as a supplier in the national market of pallets and wooden packaging, always working with honesty, commitment and generating value for our customers.

Offering high quality services at competitive prices.

Our Vision

For the year 2021 it is to increase our sales by 50% through the search for new clients, quality monitoring and joint collaboration with our suppliers, offering our products the best relation between price and quality.

Our Values

  • HONESTY Acting with integrity, maintaining the family values with which the company was created and always seeking equity.
  • RESPECT Maintaining relationships of respect and fair treatment in search of benefits for our employees, customers, suppliers and with our environment.
  • RESPONSIBILITY Meeting the expectations of our clients and always trying to add value to our services.

Pallets del bosque

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